VOLUMAT™ is a woven roving combined with a mat, mechanically bonded by a needle loom process, without chemical binding. VOLUMAT™ is particularly recommended for the manufacture of wide parts that require mechanical properties.

VOLUMAT™ Aspect, is the same range of product with the addition of a polyester veil.


  • Adds volume to the reinforcement to obtain thicker parts.
  • Dedicated to parts with sharp angles, as high volume fibers of VOLUMAT™ allows optimum filling of critical areas.
  • Woven roving brings transverse mechanical strength to finished products.
  • Does not fray during processing which gives a better surface aspect than most of other reinforcements like CFM.

VOLUMAT™ Aspect specificity:

  • Improve the surface appearance of profiles,
  • Creates a barrier against UV or chemical attack,
  • Saves preparation time (fabric + veil in one step).

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