ARAMAT™ 372K/200
ARAMAT™ 372K/200 is a 578 gsm multi-layer stitched fabric combining a mixed glass/Kevlar® fabric and a fiberglass mat. Use of Kevlar® fibers helps to reduce the weight. ARAMAT™ is primarily intended for the shipbuilding industry.
Product Line
Material(s): Aramid - Glass
Total weight: 578 gsm
Fibres orientation: 0°/90° (BT)
Warp Glass : 120 gsm - 2 ends/cm - 600 tex
Warp Aramid : 65 gsm - 2 ends/cm - 316 tex
Weft Glass : 120 gsm - 2 ends/cm - 600 tex
Weft : 65 gsm - 2 ends/cm - 316 tex
Pattern: Twill 2/2
CSM1 Weight: 200 gsm
Assembly: Stitching Tricot Synthetic
Transformation Process
- Infusion
Width(s): 125 cm
Roll Length: 50 ml
Due to the close bonding between glass and Kevlar® and the increased cohesion between fibers, ARAMAT™ delivers enhanced mechanical properties to laminates.
- Robustness, durability, safety.
- Improves impact strength.
- Reduction in overall weight structure compared to conventional glass laminates, aluminum alloy and steel due to the lower density of Kevlar® (weight reduction approximately 6% – 12%).
- Substantial reduction in labor (fewer layers).
- Excellent compromise between cost and performance.