G-PLY™ BX600S T3


G-PLY™ BX600S T3 is a biaxial +45°/-45° 616 gsm stitched glass NCF. The addition of threads at 0° increases the resistance of this reinforcement. This multiaxial fabric is intended in particular for the shipbuilding industry, primarily for infusion processes but also for HLU processes.


Material(s): Glass


Total weight: 616 gsm

Fibres orientation: +45°/-45° (BX)

+45° : 301 gsm - 600 tex

-45° : 301 gsm - 600 tex


Assembly: Stitching Tricot Polyester 3mm

Gauge: 10

Transformation Process

  • Infusion
  • RTM
  • HLU


Width(s): 127 cm

Roll Length: 100 ml


Compared to a woven roving, the specific structure of G-PLY™ with its successive stacking of layers of yarn, without interlacing, provides:

  • Better mechanical properties.
  • Optimized resin flow during infusion.
  • Improved surface appearance: less resin rich areas.