COREGLASS™ 900/CG5/900


COREGLASS™ 900/CG5/900 is a reinforcement comprising a non-woven synthetic/glass 500 gsm core and two 900 gsm glass mats stitched one on each side of the core.

It is used in closed-mold processes.

COREGLASS™ is produced only in our US plant.

Product Line


Material(s): Glass


Total weight: 2310 gsm

Fibres orientation: Anisotropic

CSM1 Weight: 900 gsm

CSM2 Weight: 900 gsm

Core Weight: 500 gsm


Assembly: Stitching Tricot Synthetic

Transformation Process

  • RTM Light


Width(s): 125 cm

Roll Length: 35 ml


  • 20-25% increase in mechanical resistance (flexing).
  • Increases glass content of the laminate.
  • Dry product with a greater compression resistance.
  • COREGLASS™ is particularly well-adapted to injection processes and infusion under flexible reusable membranes (i.e. CCBM).Due to its good behaviour under pressure.
  • High level of pre-formability.